Portion Distortion

ONE-TWO PUNCH allows you to get serious about portion control.71 Sometimes, when you follow a diet, you’re focusing on what you eat, by cutting out food groups and not how much you eat. It’s important that you view foods a little more equally and lose the judgment. With this shift you are less likely to demonize some foods as bad and overeat foods you view as good. OTP can be viewed as a method of portion control, sure. But portion control sounds boring and can be viewed as stressful. When I think of portion control I think of measuring, which is what you are trying to avoid. There are many factors that affect how much you eat – how it looks, smells, tastes, but also the portion you’re served and the protion in relation to the plate, bowl or the size of the container.12  There’s a tendency to think that the amount of food you’re served is the amount you should eat. None of these factors take into account your body size, your metabolic needs or how hungry you are!!! Sure, weighing and measuring food portions is an accurate reflection of what is in a food. But measuring is not … Continue reading Portion Distortion